Dean Alfar has an interview game up at his blog where you can ask him to interview you in 5 questions and you would answer in your blog. You would then allow others to ask you to interview them with 5 questions specially geared for them. Official Intervew Game instructions at the bottom of this post.
Though Dean started the game, I discovered it on my friend
Gerry Alanguilan's blog . I figure he'd know me better so i asked him for the questions. It's fun and you discover itsy bits about yourself. Try it some time.
Thanks for sparing the time Ger! Here's my answers:
1. If you are going to be stranded on a desert island and you can only bring 5 books to read, books that you *havent* read yet, which books will you bring? And why?Tough one... lots of books I want to read but never had the time (or kwarta, heh) to read. If it had to be only five, they would be, in no particular order:
- The War manual of Sun Tzu - made by a General/Philosopher, any of the principles within can be applied not merely for war but other life situations that may come your way.
- Stranger in a Strange Land - Aside from the allegory of being an alien in a different land, it's a great examination about how man can be influenced by his upbringing, for good or ill.
- The Sword of Shannara - eclipsed by the LoTR trilogy, this is the second most influential work of modern fantasy.
- Don Quixote - touted by many as the 'greatest' novel ever about the beliefs of an aged and senile old knight who would not give up. Inspired the song "The Impossible Dream".
- The Complete Idiot's guides (technically one book on different stuff)- so I have handy reference on anything from cooking to survival (I am in the desert, alone and only books with me, no?) ^_^
2. Liliw is a nice place to live, but if you had a choice and you had the means to do so, where would you rather live?Tagaytay. Love the view, near enough to both beach resorts and cityscapes, and lots of things to do.
3. What is the greatest piece of art you have ever seen?Pieta. Nothing can drive me to awe like it. It is a painting and a sculpture; melding the divine (Christ) with genuine human passion (A Mother cradling his son).
4. If you had a time machine and you can go anywhere in time, where and when will you go? Why?Lots of eras I'd want to visit. 6000 B.C.(studies say this is when God created Adam), 588 BC( so I can find out how the Buddha really achieved enlightnement), 326 BC(Alexander and Porus' battle must've been better than the movie), 0 A.D. (I want to see if the original manger really is THAT bad), 33 AD (for obvious reasons), 13-16th century(When Shaolin was at its peak!), 1521(So I can take pics of Lapu-lapu whupping Magellan ass) and so on.
But If I were being honest, and for personal reasons, I'd go back to the early 1990's; it's a bit selfish, but I'd change quite a few things so they turn out better (probably unraveling reality, but hey, that's a risk I'm willing to take)
5. If extraterrestrial aliens were real, what do you expect them to look like and behave? Physically, I believe they'll be humanoid. Walking on 2 feet, hands for tactile manipulation, head above torso, peripheral vision, etc. Superficial differences to humans likely, with a few adaptations based on environment, but generally not too far off.
Behavior is a different matter. If these 'aliens' have developed and harnessed the power to traverse interstellar distances, then they'd be far more enlightened or war-like than the average human. The extremes stem from the motivation: discovery or conquest.
So there are my 5 questions and answers. Here are The Official Interview Game Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.