Sunday, December 12, 2004

In the beginning...

I had never had the inclination to post personal stuff on the 'net for all the world to see because... THEY'RE PERSONAL STUFF!

I had never been open with what's inside. Close friends refer to me as being stoic... or rather "stoic takes a whole new level with you." a friend of mine once said. The 'strong,silent-type".

Truth be told, I don't consider myself to be a strong person. There were quite a number of times I remember when my knees buckled and I had to suppress the urge to just curl up and surrender to the whims of fate in the face of overwhelming physical and emotional stress.

But I persevered. I held on to the beliefs inculcated by a lifetime's worth of experience and wisdom passed on to me (love you Nanay Roga!). I held on to the belief that, yes, life will go on. Yes, there's hope. Yes, there is a God (or Buddha, or Allah, or whatever you want to call HIM). Yes, we can make the world a better place if you just believe.

So then, here it is: an account of my personal (and not-so-personal) "stuff"... which can range from the sublime to the absurd... for friends, old and new, and for those who might happen by.

Welcome to my world! ^_^


jonasdiego said...

Fancy meeting you here. :)

Borgy said...

yeah... got peeved that I don't have a blog to peak of... had to start somewhere ^_^

jonasdiego said...

And that counts for a lot. :)

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